
10 Things Parents Do to Make Their Children Successful

Can I be totally honest with you?

Success is not something one is born with.

It is something that comes with hard work and years of developing values to become successful.

That’s true!

While opportunities may bring luck, success needs more than seizing opportunities.

So how do children become successful?

While it is the child who works for his or her success, parents also play a crucial role.

What do they do to make their children successful?

There are many ways to help your children become a success.

Here are 10 Things Parents Do to Make Their Children Successful:

1. They give their children responsibilities

Too true.

Parents of successful children give their children responsibilities early on.

They would assign house chores and allow their children to carry out different tasks.

2. They have high expectations.

Parents of successful children have high expectations.

When parents see their children achieving a certain goal, they seem to be able to manage their children toward that goal regardless of their income or status.

A parent who sees his or her child graduate from college would usually eventually see that goal turn into reality.

3. They have a healthy relationship as a couple.

Children who have parents that have conflicts or are divorced usually tend to perform worse than children who were raised by parents who have a good relationship.

Moreover, it was found that children who were from a single parent family tend to fare better than children who were in a conflictual two-parent family.

Conflicts affect the children negatively which can actually have an impact on their performance.

4. They have attained a certain level of education

Parents of successful children have attained a certain level of education.

Sandra Tang, a psychologist from the University of Michigan, found in her study that mothers who finished high school or college were able to have children who were able to finish high school or college as well.

5. They have built a strong relationship with their children early on

Yes, it’s true!

Children who were sensitively cared for in the first three years of life were found to do better academically during their childhood, had healthier relationships and higher educational attainment in their 30s.

Building a “secure” base early in life sure does have long-term returns throughout their lives.

6. They don’t spend “stressed” times with their children

It sounds simple. But it isn’t.

Turns out, quality time is better than quality time, and spending time with your children when you are not stressed helps their behavior, well-being and achievement.

When a parent is stressed, it may negatively affect the child. When a parent is stressed, exhausted or frustrated, it could be transferred to the child which can have affect them poorly.

7. They appreciate their children’s effort

Let’s not forget that…

Every parent wants their child to succeed, the only difference is that parents of successful kids appreciate their effort more than focusing on their failures.

When a parent appreciates a child’s effort, they are teaching the child a “growth” mindset which sees failure as a way to learn and grow.

8. They encourage entrepreneurship skills

Parents of successful children encourage them to learn the value of entrepreneurship and teach them financial skills.

It just makes sense, learning these skills early on gives them the edge when they become adults.

9. They are good role models

At this point you realise that…

Being a good role model is the best influence a parent can do to raise a successful child.

If you want to have successful kids, be their role model.

A Harvard study revealed that children of working mothers were more likely to have a supervisory job and earned more income than children of those children whose mothers stay at home.

Indeed, one of the best ways to have successful children is to model how to be successful to them.

10. They encourage “grit”.

But here’s something really interesting

Grit is a strength of character, the ability to persevere and exert effort to achieve long-term goals.

More than just genius, grit is something that can take a person from where they are now to where they want to be. I

t’s instilling a sense of commitment to persevere until they meet their goal.

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